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The roar that echoesin the valleys

The experience of the roar of the deer is one of the "musts" of autumn. We are in the mating season of these majestic mammals, as the sun rises and sets, between woods and valleys, the song of male deer resounds vigorously and emotionally.


Emotions in nature

The first time you hear the roar, you never forget it. The vigor of the male deer song can excite, awe and place you in front of the greatness of the mountain and the inhabitants of its woods.

At night, when every noise and sound is amplified, the song of love echoes from the ridges to the valleys, from the forests to the meadows, making its way through the fog and the stars.

Living the experience of the roar is something that stays inside you and that makes you taste the true taste of the mountain.

But do you know how the deer courtship ritual takes place?

First of all, the challenge between the contenders takes place at the rhythm of the roar. The one who makes the most powerful verse capable of intimidating and silencing the contenders, will have priority over the choice of the female.

But what if no male deer recedes to the roar? The challenge will be made with antlers!

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Nuovi eventi

L'autunno in appennino porta il tempo delle castagne e dei caminetti scoppiettanti, di funghi e di foreste tinte di foliage. Non solo è una delle stagioni più magiche e suggestive da vivere in montagna ma è anche una delle più divertenti.
Arrivano tanti eventi autunnali, dalle immancabili tartufeste alle sagre alle feste di paese. Un concentrato di allegria, socialità e belle tradizioni che, in qualche modo, l'autunno rende ancora più magico!
Per non perdere gli appuntamenti della stagione ricordati di iscriverti alla nostra newsletter!

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Live the experience with us

The Environmental Hiking Guides of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines know well the places where you can hear the roar and can accompany you to live this experience. Contact us in the box below to find out about the scheduled appointments and packages and to be able to listen (and who knows, maybe even see) the deer in love in complete safety!

Zaino in spalla!

Per vivere la bellezza dell'autunno in appennino, mettersi lo zaino e partire per una passeggiata è semrpe un'ottima idea. Sapete che c'è un nuovo percorso dedicato alle sculture di Land Art installate nei quattro comuni di Monghidoro, Loiano, Monzuno e San Benedetto Val di Sambro?
Parliamo di Bologna Montana Art Trail e presto potrete trovare qui sul nostro sito una pagina tutta dedicata. Per tutte le altre ispirazioni, dai uno sguardo qui!

Oppure scopri il Bologna Montana Art Trail o gli anelli di SBVS Outdoor o i cammini vicino Castiglione dei Pepoli!

Donna che cammina nella foresta

Live the experience with us

The Environmental Hiking Guides of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines know well the places where you can hear the roar and can accompany you to live this experience. Contact us in the box below to find out about the scheduled appointments and packages and to be able to listen (and who knows, maybe even see) the deer in love in complete safety!

Come visit!


Tasty tours, natural well-being, paths of history, mysteries and legends, trekking and bike paths: discover the lands of BOM and let us advise you for your next holiday in the Apennines


Contacts & proposals

(+39) 331 443 0004

(+39) 051 65 83 109

The proposals of eXtraBO

Useful information

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